Digital Divide: The way the Public Libraries can narrow it
Digital Divide, ICT, Public Libraries, Rural LibrariesAbstract
The concept of digital divide arises with the emergence and increases in the adoption of information and communication technologies, its tools and techniques in our day-to-day living. In this paper focus is made on the digital gap among people in terms of access and use of information and communication technologies, which is acting as a hindrance towards the development of the entire country. The paper made an attempt to throws some light on the role of public libraries towards bridging the gap by extending their services to the unreached and deprived section of the society. Though at present rural areas are also attaining benefits of technology but still there is an issue of kind of access. Public libraries as far possible have been trying their best to remove the gap in terms of digital access. In this field, government has lot to do, they can provide support to libraries in various ways and as library professionals it is our responsibility to draw attention of government towards the role a public library can play in bridging the digital gap.
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