Digital Library: A study on technological developments and challenges


  • Subrat Chetia Nazira College


Digital Library, Virtual Library, Metadata, Digitization, Technology, OAI


The idea of digital libraries started with Memex machine (a device to compress and store books and records as described by Vannevar Bush) and has continued to develop gradually with advancing computer technology. With the arrival of internet, the online retrieval and public access systems are now very much familiar and are useful component of any modern library system. This article gives an overview of development trends and challenges digital libraries under the sections, namely: technical architecture, digital content, metadata, interchangeability, users and usability; legal social and other issues and preservation.



How to Cite

Chetia, S. . (2016). Digital Library: A study on technological developments and challenges. LISPA : A New Dimension to Knowledge, 2(1), 59-63. Retrieved from